Sachin Bonde
Sounds Good
Dental pop accompanied by etching and collage on a brass weighing scale
SACHIN BONDE Born in Darwha,Maharashtra,India
My ideas and thoughts behind the works of art are processed after keen observation and adequate grounding. The intricate reticulations of world politics and personal politics may seem like a perplexing jigsaw puzzle to an unaware mind, but for me it is crystal clear. That is what makes my works subtle, satirical and arresting. In my works one can see the study of irony.Asan artistI’mcontextualizes the inherent dichotomies that connect two forms of Power together- one being political power and the other energy. My work questions the relationship between electric grids that traverse our earth and grids of political alliances.
Using proverbs I’m trying to connect political borders, national flagsand symbols of power as a metaphor or of nations with the underlying map of oil. During last 6 years I am working on a subject of ‘Oil Politics’ Oil-War’, Oil as Fuel, natural resources, about the dynamics, maps and networks of Movement of petrol and kerosene, and their relationship to realpolitik.As I born and growing in a part of the ‘Third World’ which is using 45%of natural resources.
Concerns that find a place in my works are the economic change and globalization. How mall culture has been injected into urban cities that is also spreading rapidly in smaller towns, like the one I come from.Few from my works I’m talking about how we are subjected to consume products that are manufactured and branded by economically powerful nations.As my interest in archaeology and political history, I also re-appropriate objects to satirize nihilism of right-wing politics, creating intricatesculptures that contain the politics of their materiality.
I am using Art as a medium to respond to my surroundings, responses that stem from my fascination with how humans are inspired and dependent on animals. I gain inspiration also from myths, proverbs and sciences that relate to animals.
Courtesy of Roy Thomas, Sachin Bonde