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Artist of The Day | Preya Bhagat

Preya Bhagat The Invisible Poison 2017 Woodcut 36 × 48 in



Born-5th October 1994 - Ghaziabad(U.P), India

I started my journey with Print Making primarily with the medium of Dry Point which often exposed me to employ visual metaphors and personal symbolization. My works often portray conventional womanly sentiments ranging from felicities to melancholic states. The visual ambience amplifies such imagery rendered with preposterous outlook. Peculiar juxtaposition, alteration in the actual scale of objects, and decontextualizing of real objects configure the characteristics of my work. The grandeur of self portrait is to centralize the existence of self within the imagery allied with the nostalgia as well as current mindscapes.

Ground of my interest in Print Making:

In the recent years, I qualified my Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts specializing Painting. Since then, I am pursuing practices with the medium of Graphics at Garhi Studio, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. Since the initial years of studies under BFA I was interested in exploring into the Print-Making mediums and its possibilities. The shock element in the process of Print-Making triggered my curiosity for cultivating different techniques within it.

At the cultivation of several mediums of Graphics, I observed that particular quality of a medium was supporting to the matter of my emotive interests. For instance the effect created through burr was highly efficient to signify and symbolize the matter of anger. Under this realm, I started synthesizing between the medium of Graphics and matter of my personal expression. Since then, exploring different mediums has become an imperative justification for further development of my visual language.

Courtesy of Roy Thomas, Preya Bhagat


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