Julia Dault
Blade Runner, 2013 Acrylic on canvas, oil on vinyl in painted wood frame 61 1/2 × 42 1/2 in
Julia Dault is known for richly textured paintings on pleather, silk, and spandex, and for sculptural works fixed to gallery walls with string and knots. Plexiglas, formica, and Everlast boxing wraps—Dault’s materials of choice—lend her sleek abstract sculptures a raw, industrial aesthetic, while they retain a certain naturalness through their rounded organic forms. In her paintings, Dault likewise focuses on depth and materiality by building up colorful layers of paint and vinyl and then scraping parts away. For instance, the sharp-edged, fan-shaped cuts into the monochromatic black painting Jordache (2012) reveal an array of colors, rhythmic gestures, and surprising materials beneath the surface. “There is something very fleeting about Dault’s work; a sense of movement and manipulation reminiscent of highly-stylized time machines,” wrote one critic. courtesy of artsy.net